The Court is the supreme advisory body of the University. Its membership comprises 25 lay members, 16 internal members and the President of the HKBU Alumni Association. The Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer of the Council are ex officio Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer of the Court respectively. In addition, the Council appoints honorary Court members to assist with the work of the Court, and there are currently 71 honorary Court members.
The Court is established in accordance with the Hong Kong Baptist University Ordinance and the Hong Kong Baptist University Statutes.
The Court normally meets twice in each academic year, in November and May. The General Administration Office serves as the Court Secretariat and assists the Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary, who is the Court Secretary, in servicing the Court, such as preparing for Court meetings, taking follow-up actions on Court resolutions/discussions, and involving Court members in major events of the University.